• parag@pvassociates.live
  • 99789 99515

Patent Filing

A Patent is an exclusive set of rights granted by the Authority to the Applicant of an invention for a period of 20 years under the Patent Act in India.

Patent is a legal document, which gives an inventor the exclusive right to make, use, and sell an invention for a specified number of years.

What is patentable?

To qualify for a patent, the invention must meet three basic tests.

  • First, it must be novel, meaning that the invention did not previously exist.
  • Second, the invention must be non-obvious, which means that the invention must be a significant improvement to existing technology. Simple changes to previously known devices do not comprise a patentable invention.
  • Finally, the proposed invention must be useful. Legal experts commonly interpret this to mean that no patent will be granted for inventions that can only be used for an illegal or immoral purpose.
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