• parag@pvassociates.live
  • 99789 99515

ISO Certification

ISO certification has been largely considered as a quality management tool that provides a kind of identity to a company’s quality management system. It standardizes how businesses and organizations involved in commerce and industry manage information and processes. It simply means that the organization has met certain requirements.


Some Important ISO Standards


  • ISO 9001-Quality Management ( Basic)
  • ISO 10012-Measurement Management systems
  • ISO 14001 – Environmental management
  • OHSAS 18001 – Occupational Health & Safety Management
  • ISO 20000-1 – Information technology management
  • ISO 22000 – Standard for food safety
  • ISO 27001 – Information media security system
  • ISO 31000 – Risk management
  • ISO 4217 – Currency codes
  • ISO 50001 – Energy management

It must be noted that ISO itself does not provide certification to the companies. Certification is done by the external bodies. It is very important that you choose a recognized and credible certification body.

ISO certificate is become an essential requirement to participate in government tenders and it also helps your organization to build credibility in overseas business as well.

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